
About this report

This Sustainability Report discloses our sustainability-related performance for the financial year ended 30 June 2018 for the activities of businesses within the Downer Group (Downer EDI Limited).

This report has been prepared in accordance with the GRI Standards: Core option, which emphasise the importance of identifying and reporting on issues or concerns that are material to our business and our stakeholders.

Downer has engaged KPMG to provide limited assurance on Downer’s application of the Global Reporting Initiative Standards (GRI Standards) for Defining Report Quality and Content as well as on selected sustainability indicators in accordance with the GRI Standard.

These selected sustainability indicators are:

  • Lost Time Injury Frequency Rates and Total Recordable Injury Frequency Rates
  • Total direct (Scope 1) and indirect (Scope 2) GHG emissions
  • Total energy consumption and production
  • Any significant environmental incidents or spills
  • The total number and value of safety and environmentally related fines or successful prosecutions.

Sustainability performance information relating to Downer entities and joint ventures has been included in the relevant sections of the report as specified by the table below. Joint ventures have been included for environmental energy and GHG emission performance data where Downer is deemed to have operational control as defined by the National Greenhouse Energy Reporting Act. The Health and Safety performance data includes incidents related to Downer employees involved in unincorporated joint ventures/partnerships but excludes incorporated joint ventures. People performance includes only Downer employees involved within unincorporated joint ventures.

Sustainability performance inclusions
Please view on your computer to see this table
1. Where Downer has operational control as defined by National Greenhouse Energy Reporting Act.
2. Excludes incorporated joint ventures.
3. Data is included for employees who are paid by a Downer entity.
4. Excluding Spotless NZ.

Further information on joint ventures is detailed in the 2018 Annual Report. Changes to the reporting boundaries or measurement methodologies applied compared to our previous Sustainability Report are addressed in the relevant report sections.

For ease of reference a GRI Standards Content Index is located here and KPMG‘s assurance statement is included here.

Our approach to reporting

We have prepared this Report with reference to the Global Reporting Initiative’s (GRI) Standards to provide investors with comparable information relating to environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance. Specifically, our approach takes into consideration the GRI’s principles for informing report content: materiality, completeness, and sustainability context and stakeholder inclusiveness.

A key focus of this report is to demonstrate how we deliver sustainable returns while managing risk and being responsible in how we operate.

Commitment to reporting and continual improvement

Downer is committed to reporting our sustainability performance annually. To support our commitment, we continue to improve our data and information collection processes to ensure better quality data and insights. We will continue to engage with our internal and external stakeholders to ensure we understand our sustainability risks and opportunities. We are working actively to continually improve our sustainability performance and reporting and to identify ways to address the gaps we have in our current reporting.

Whats new?

Some of the new topics discussed in the Sustainability Report this year include:

  • Alignment to the GRI Standards from G4
  • Alignment of business to the UN Sustainable Development Goals
  • Adoption of Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) recommendations
  • Inclusion of Spotless data (excluding health, safety and environmental data for New Zealand)
  • Inclusion of ESG Sustainability Analyst Rating Scores.
ESG Sustainability Ratings
Please visit us on your computer to access the Sustainability ratings performance table

We have prepared this Report with reference to the Global Reporting Initiative’s (GRI) Standards to provide investors with comparable information relating to environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance. Specifically, our approach takes into consideration the GRI’s principles for informing report content: materiality, completeness, and sustainability context and stakeholder inclusiveness.

A key focus of this report is to demonstrate how we deliver sustainable returns while managing risk and being responsible in how we operate.

Commitment to reporting and continual improvement

Downer is committed to reporting our sustainability performance annually. To support our commitment, we continue to improve our data and information collection processes to ensure better quality data and insights. We will continue to engage with our internal and external stakeholders to ensure we understand our sustainability risks and opportunities. We are working actively to continually improve our sustainability performance and reporting and to identify ways to address the gaps we have in our current reporting.

Some of the new topics discussed in the Sustainability Report this year include:

  • Alignment to the GRI Standards from G4
  • Alignment of business to the UN Sustainable Development Goals
  • Adoption of Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) recommendations
  • Inclusion of Spotless data (excluding health, safety and environmental data for New Zealand)
  • Inclusion of ESG Sustainability Analyst Rating Scores.

Downer proactively participates in investor surveys and uses these insights to inform our understanding and improve our sustainability performance.

Rating agency
Achieved Level 1 (the highest) for Governance – Environment – Social
Highest Rating – ‘Leading’ in the Commercial & Professional Services and Supplies sector
Leader in Top 25% of companies analysed globally achieving a AA Rating
“Outperformer” Top 10% of the 90 companies analysed.
DJSI (Dow Jones Sustainability Indices) In collaboration with RobeccoSAM
Consistent performance in industry category

Downer’s performance for ESG ratings is based on information provided in the FY17 period.

About Downer

Downer designs, builds and sustains assets, infrastructure and facilities and is the leading provider of integrated services in Australia and New Zealand.

Sustainability snapshot

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Underlying NPATA (Net Profit After Tax before Amortisation of acquired intangible assets)


Percentage of women in Downer workforce (including Spotless)

Health & Safety





Significant environmental incidents (≥ Level 4)

Material issues