Health and safety

Engagement re-imagined

Downer’s technology-based Snowden business is using technology to change the game on worker engagement.

Each week a short five-question two-minute survey is emailed to the workforce. Survey questions are based on key engagement metrics identified by the business.

These metrics include:

  • Relationships with supervisors and co-workers
  • Satisfaction, including remuneration and quality and variety of work
  • Wellness matters
  • Workplace recognition
  • Happiness
  • Alignment with workplace values.

Responses to the survey are kept anonymous, unless the worker chooses to identify themselves.

Completion rates within the business have grown and remain high. The program includes the ability to send those workers who have not engaged in the past few surveys an email letting them know their opinion is important.

The ability to analyse the responses by either division, groups, teams, gender or roles has allowed deeper analysis and understanding of responses. For example, why there may have been dips or changes to culture scores or responses, or why one part of the business may appear more or less engaged than other parts. For ease of review, data can also be presented in a traffic light display. Responses have paved the way for Snowden to develop solutions to issues identified through the survey, and to respond in a more timely manner, to that available through traditional annual engagement surveys. Over the two years the initiative has been running the culture has improved, workers are more open, willing to assist others and collaborate better. The approach is now being assessed for wider application within the Downer business

The program is available globally and allows Downer to benchmark worldwide with other organisations participating in the program.

This initiative demonstrates Downer's contribution to achieve the following Sustainable Development Goals: