Employee development and capability
Leadership development
Leadership capability remains a key priority and supports our people delivering success for Downer. Our programs are underpinned by the LEaD (Leadership Excellence at Downer) Capability Framework and focus on leaders at all levels of the business.
Downer’s Executive Development Framework focuses on the growth of senior leaders within our business. The program provides support to leaders to build capabilities to deliver our current and future business goals. Senior leaders are engaged through annual leadership events, where the alumni come together to challenge current and emerging business requirements and to maintain their formal executive network across the business.
Leadership development remains a key priority for Downer. We recognise that our middle leaders are the vital link between frontline people and our executive leadership teams. Our LEaD2, Leadership Delivering Success program has been developed to meet the needs of our middle leaders and support them to effectively and competently balance their leadership, management and operational responsibilities to elevate our leadership and operational results.
We have also continued to build the Industrial Relations capability of our operational managers through structured training programs. This important lift in capability positions managers and human resources professionals to better support and engage employees, minimise our exposure to industrial disruption, lost time and revenue, and better service our customers.
We have an annual performance and development review process. As part of this our employees plan development goals and activities. Based on this, we identify the formal development needs that include safety, leadership and project management and other capability to increased business performance.
The table below represents Downer’s progress completion rate for those employees that have been identified for each capability program.
Environmental awareness training includes:
- 128 employees and a total of 1,024 hours in Accredited Advanced Environmental Awareness training, targeted at Project Managers, Construction Managers, Supervisors and Zero Harm Advisors
- Development of Environment & Sustainability E-Learns on Waste Management (including Hazardous Waste), Water (stormwater, effluent management) and Planning & Approvals.
Downer’s strategic capability is underpinned by customised frameworks and programs that support current and future capability and our performance requirements. Our programs align to Downer’s Pillars of Safety, Delivery, Relationships and Thought Leadership, and promote behaviours that deliver Downer’s Purpose and Promise.
Strategic learning and development goals include:
- To increase leadership capability and build skills to enhance business relationships
- To develop our Zero Harm culture through increased leadership capability and employee knowledge and commitment
- To embed project management excellence and build capability of project management against identified key drivers of business performance
- To increase skills to strengthen business and commercial acumen.
Constantly striving towards achieving these goals ensures our leaders have the skills, knowledge and attitude to deliver our organisational goals.