Health and


Downer’s Total Recordable Injury Frequency Rate (TRIFR) improved from 3.27 in FY18 to 2.70 in FY19. Downer’s Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR) remained below target at 0.57, which is also an improvement from 0.78 in FY18.

There were no fatal incidents known to arise from our operations this year, however, sadly in June 2019 one of our Spotless employees died while at work. At the time of this report’s publication, Downer was still waiting receipt of information from the NSW Police and Coroner regarding this event.

Spotless Group and Hawkins Building Projects data can be found in the Additional safety metrics section.

During FY19 Spotless and Hawkins were transitioned across to use Downer’s injury classification, investigation and trending protocols. As a result, and consistent with all other Downer businesses, both Spotless and Hawkins’ injury performance data includes employees, contractors, and casuals. Both businesses reported a reduction in LTIFR and Severity Rate, with Hawkins also recording a reduction in TRIFR. Downer continues to work closely with both businesses to complete their transition across to all aspects of Downer’s safety program and monitors the safety performance of both businesses at the Executive and Board committees.

Downer attributes its continued strong health and safety performance to strong leadership and relentless commitment from everyone at Downer to our goal of Zero Harm. This is underpinned by our Critical Risk management program, a commitment to rethinking processes and continuously improving our management systems, applying lessons learned, and adopting and adapting practices that aim to achieve zero work-related injuries.

In FY19 Downer continued to progress its Group-wide Zero Harm Strategic Plan, which focuses on four priority areas. Each priority area has an agreed set of detailed strategies for the current and future horizons, and combines Group and Divisional lead activities. Key initiatives from the Strategic Plan that have been implemented in FY19 are described on the following pages, and have helped reduce the number of recordable incidents over the past 12 months, despite an increase in exposure hours due to increased growth.

Downer Group safety performance (excluding Spotless and Hawkins)
LTIFR / million hours worked
TRIFR / million hours worked
Fines and prosecutions