
Case studies

Case study

Keeping students safe

Around one in five young people experience cyber bullying – and even more can be exposed to age-inappropriate content or privacy risks.

Our Spotless team want to do something about that, so they are funding eSmart Digital Licences to Year 6 students in the 44 public schools where they deliver integrated facilities services through Public Private Partnerships across Victoria, South Australia, Western Australia and New South Wales.

Developed by the Alannah and Madeline Foundation, the eSmart Digital Licence is an online cyber safety program that teaches school children how to play, learn and socialise online in a smart, safe and responsible way.

“With kids now having easy access to the internet and social media, we know online safety is of concern to parents, teachers, students and the school community,” Spotless’ Chief Executive Officer, Peter Tompkins, said.

“We wanted to do something that would create a positive impact in the schools we work with. We are pleased to support the education of children in the online world and enable them to use the web safely and responsibly.”

Spotless’ grant will make the Foundation’s course free for students in their final year of primary school, teaching 2,200 students across the country how to stay safe online.